Folding exercise bikes, also known as room bikes, are the tools to keep fit directly from your own home, your bedroom or your living room.
With the evolution of technology, these so-called room exercise bikes have become increasingly streamlined in their design and much less cumbersome. Some are also foldable so that they facilitate the placement of them inside their own home, perhaps behind a piece of furniture, between the radiator and a wardrobe, or even in the kitchen or in the living room.
The folding exercise bike is an excellent tool useful for all those people who, especially during the winter, when it’s raining outside, and it’s cold, do not want to go out for the usual ride that is usually very pleasant during spring or summer, and they decide to stay in shape equally using this tool. In addition, it is also very useful for all those who prefer to perform physical activity at home, saving time and money.
Maybe during the week, due to work or children and family, you do not have the right time to devote to the gym, and you prefer to do 15 or 20 minutes of exercise bike in the spare time from home. That’s why the exercise bike, especially if folding, has many advantages that other tools or going to the gym do not have. Any exercise bike is easy to use and allows toning the leg muscles and firming the buttocks.
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Types of exercise bikes
Classic exercise bike
The classic exercise bike is suitable for all those people who usually do not perform intense physical activity and need to keep fit, daily or sometimes a week, without exaggeration and without straining too much.
The classic exercise bike is perfect for those who have to lose weight and is trying to get back into shape. It is very easy to use, especially for beginners. Combined with a proper diet and used at least 2/3 times a week for a minimum of 30 minutes ensures effective weight loss.
It allows toning the muscles of the legs and buttocks without risking to run into injuries that affect the joints and performing an excellent physical activity for the heart. You will have direct results on the calves, buttocks, thighs and the heart. Hips and arms are also put into training. You do not have to do an intense activity, leaving a day of rest between sessions is the best thing to do.
Horizontal exercise bike
The horizontal exercise bike has slightly different characteristics compared to the classic exercise bike. Surely the first thing that changes, and that you notice at first glance is the design and the shape.
This type of exercise bike contributes in a major way to better blood circulation. The pedals are positioned in frontal way, directly in front of the person who uses the tool. This allows a better venous return to the height of the legs. In addition, this exercise bike is perfect for all people who need to rehabilitate their body.
Older people and all those who have suffered injuries. Certainly, like the other types of exercise bikes, this helps to keep fit and tone up your body. The muscles that are involved are the calves, the buttocks, the thighs, the abdominals and the heart.
Then, of course, the arms, the hips and the pectorals are also involved in physical activity. The best thing to do is to do three sessions a week of at least 30 minutes each, but the day of rest between sessions is fully recommended.
Stationary indoor stationary bike
This type of exercise bike is used by professionals, athletes, people who normally do a lot of sporting activity and maybe this also includes long rides, maybe in the mountains and uphill.
Obviously, with caution and without exaggerating physical activity, it can also be used by beginners, people who are now approaching the world of sport.
This type of exercise bike has advantages, among them that of being able to perform very intense exercises. It allows to perform exercises that are aimed at improving cardio-vascular and pulmonary resistance. It is used to try to improve resistance during rides, such as training before doing long rides in the open air.
It is used to strengthen its muscle mass, especially the calves, buttocks, thighs, hips and arms. Using this type of exercise bike increases the ability to tolerate fatigue and, at the same time, decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
The advice to do activities with this type of indoor exercise bike are the same as for any other type of exercise bike. One must always be cautious when performing a physical activity.
Magnetic or mechanical bike?
In addition to the models listed above, there is another difference between a magnetic and a mechanical exercise bike. That mechanic has the same mechanism that allows the operation of a road bike. The movement is given by the belt system without a flywheel.
The mechanical exercise bike is much less powerful, which is why it is highly recommended for those who have to perform recovery exercises, perhaps after suffering an injury, or at least to carry out light workouts. Instead, in the magnetic exercise bike, the mechanism is different.
The movement is provided by a magnetic system and is a tool that is recommended for a very intense workout that can be done at home or in the halls of gyms. The most important difference between these two types of exercise bikes is the braking mode.
In the magnetic bicycles, the pedals stop just when you decide not to ride anymore. Instead, in those mechanics the brake works through a clutch, and meanwhile the pedals keep turning, at least for a while.
One of the disadvantages of mechanical bicycles is the belt, which at a certain point is consumed by pedaling and must be replaced. The pedaling in the magnetic bicycles is more natural and the braking is done almost immediately. It can be concluded that magnetic bicycles are more reliable, quieter and, unfortunately, even more expensive.
Vertical or folding exercise bike?
When choosing whether to buy a folding exercise bike or a vertical bike, you need to think first of all about your needs and the space you have at home.
If you want to do physical activity in the bedroom or living room or in any other room of your home, the best choice to do is buy a foldable exercise bike because after you use it can be stored in a closet or anywhere else in the house, without giving any trouble.
The vertical bike does not have the possibility to be closed so you should have a space in the house suitable for carrying out your physical activity. The advantage of the folding exercise bike is that it has a re-closable frame to occupy as little space as possible, and it is known that every space gained is gold, especially in small apartments and where there is not a space dedicated solely to physical activity.
Both a folding and a vertical bike are the same in terms of operation but have different structural characteristics. For example, the vertical bike indicates that the model refers to that of a bike, a bike that is used outside the home. The folding bike has all the tools to be closed and placed at the end of your workout.
The latter differs from the first for the shape of the frame. The frame is folded down to occupy as little space as possible. Obviously, even classic and vertical normal bikes can be moved but cannot be closed as it happens for folding ones.
Surely, vertical bikes are much heavier than those that can be closed. Another difference between the two bikes is the flywheel. In those folds, this is usually much smaller compared to that of a classic exercise bike. The dimensions of the casting influence a lot on the pedaling that is carried out by the user of the exercise bike.
And the flywheel also affects the noise of the tool. Finally, folding bikes generally do not monitor many parameters that are taken into consideration by a vertical bike and which allow advanced training.
Evaluation criteria
Before buying a foldable exercise bike you have to take into account the criteria that will allow you to make the right choice by buying the best exercise bike on the market.
The design of an exercise bike to keep and use at home is very important because it is an instrument you will have in your home. In case you choose a vertical bike, this will always be in plain sight, as if it were a part of the home furnishings. A folding exercise bike must have a beautiful design and must be lean, easily foldable, transportable and not bulky.
Resistance and noise
When choosing an exercise bike to buy you must also consider its resistance, you must check that it is suitable for your height and your weight. Folding exercise bikes are usually slimmer, less cumbersome and sometimes not suitable for all body types. To buy a good exercise bike you must also check its noise, as the pedaling is fluid and is not hampered.
When choosing an exercise bike you need to evaluate its comfort, comfort. We must be sure that the seat is always adjustable and adaptable to all user needs.
Also, since usually those who buy a folding exercise bike performs physical activity at home and maybe while you are doing something else, remember that there must also be other components such as magazine rack, USB port to connect your mp3, bottle holder and all these pieces must be adjustable to your needs.
In addition, each exercise bike must be equipped with a computer that allows you to monitor your heart rate during training, must have various programs to change the various types of training.
The frame, especially that of a folding bike must be not too heavy and solid so you can always stay calm when you do your sport.
The best folding bikes on the market
When you decide to buy a folding exercise bike, you need to be aware of the type of tool you are going to buy. There are many models on the market, but you must always know how to choose the one that best suits the needs of those who will use this tool, and what kind of physical activity will go to perform.
The folding exercise bike is a tool to perform physical activity directly from home that allows you to store the tool in a closet or even in a closet once the workout is over. Excellent for those who do not have time to go to the gym, to go running and for those who have little space at home and cannot afford a vertical bike.