Garden and Outdoor Hammocks: What they are and which to choose?

If it was the great navigators of the times of the Colombian discoveries who discovered the hammock, there is no doubt that today, we too, enjoy it. The outdoor hammock is one of those compliments that anyone who has an outdoor space in which to relax and welcome friends and family hardly gives up.

This is because it is one of those ” vices ” that are easy to indulge in, fairly inexpensive, and that do not require too much maintenance. There are indeed garden and outdoor hammocks that are very practical, inexpensive and can be installed in a few minutes.

If you then thought that the classic two trees or the two fixed anchoring supports, such as two columns or two pillars, were necessary, we give you some wonderful news. There are also many garden hammocks with the stand that can be placed anywhere without needing to be fixed.

In this article, we will make a small overview of the garden and outdoor hammocks; we will see what they are and what we believe are the best to buy to enjoy all the comfort and all the benefits of this magical complement that smells of distant seas and exotic beaches.

Garden hammocks and outdoor hammocks: What they are?

Welcome to our garden … Maybe! Well, even if we are not in a wonderful garden, we can still have a chat in relaxation, right? Well, let’s see what a garden hammock or an outdoor hammock.

The hammock was originally a sort of ” rocking bed, ” that is a net, rope, or any fabric that was available, made on boats that left for territorial discoveries in the time of Christopher Columbus. This sheet was fixed at the two ends to allow sailors not to sleep on the ground.

Since then to the present day, the hammock has come to us with a wealth of travel and exotic charm, which is one of the characteristics that, still today, make us love this compliment so much.

Garden hammocks are versatile and enrich any context in which they are placed. Whether it is a private home or a bathhouse, a small hotel, or a resort, wherever they are they offer peace and relaxation to the lucky guests. Try to think of the beauty of a sunset over the sea enjoyed directly from a hammock. In the collective imagination, the hammock is fixed to two trees.

This is not always the case. Not all gardens or outdoor spaces have anchoring points so strong and resistant that they can hold a hammock with a human load. Precisely for this reason today on the market there are beautiful gardens or outdoor hammocks with self-supporting support that can be put anywhere you want.

So, in summary: the outdoor hammock is a traditional hammock that can be fixed to two trees or two columns but can also be equipped with a self-supporting structure that allows us to position it anywhere and not to fix it. As far as the composition of the cloth is concerned, we can indulge ourselves and change it whenever we want without limits to the imagination.

The sheets of the hammocks for the outdoor or garden can be made of various materials: we speak from 100% pure cotton to get to the organic or organic one, but we also have excellent examples of synthetic fabrics which, probably, for the exterior are also more suitable for resistance and ease of washing.

There are also outdoor hammocks made with parachute sheets, beautiful and perfect for being carried on the road because they are very light, but also hammocks with sheets that are the result of the most recent and innovative research in the textile field.

So let’s see some suggestions for purchases. We wandered around a bit and found some models of garden hammocks, which in our opinion represent an excellent purchase.

Garden hammocks and outdoor hammocks: The best to buy

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