How to Choose the Vacuum Sealer for Food
We have learned to know the sous-vide technique in its great ability to preserve food. Especially in supermarkets and grocery stores, we find ourselves surrounded by vacuum-packed products. You may have noticed that a vacuum sealer for foods will last for an extremely long time if stored in these conditions. Even after the expiration date has passed, there will usually be no problems of any kind.
Even today, the vacuum sealer for food in our homes is not yet as widespread as one would expect it to be, given its qualities. Let’s see the different criteria to consider to buy a good product!
Table of Contents
When you have to choose the vacuum sealer for food, the power’s wattage has its importance. This will allow you to obtain considerable performance, especially as regards the time taken. In addition to guaranteeing greater durability over the years, an engine capable of expressing higher powers will better withstand the workloads. Its components, not being punctually subjected to the limit of their capabilities, will be preserved.
Good power will also guarantee optimal sealing, which is essential for sealing your bag in the best possible way.
When you have to choose the vacuum sealer for food, you will also consider the capacity. This is expressed in millibars. This factor is essential, and you will need to get as close to absolute zero as possible. As?
All vacuum sealers are equipped with a theoretical capacity expressed on the label. The professional models are quite close to 0, the housewives a little less. For home use, a -800 millibar machine may be for you. Below you will have inferior reliability.
But what do -800 millibars mean? That considering the starting value of 1000 millibars, the average value present in the atmosphere at sea level, we will ” suck ” 800 millibars from the bag, leaving only 200. As previously mentioned, the closer you get to 0, the more you will get reliable products.
Other characteristics
When you have to choose the vacuum sealer for food, in addition to the fundamental characteristics analyzed, you can focus at your discretion on the different functions available, the quality and number of accessories useful for your needs, the price range, and the dimensions.
Below you can see the ranking with the vacuum sealers: