Kettlebell: Which ones to buy? What Weights?
Want to stay fit? Here you are immediately satisfied with the best kettlebell, a lively tool, particularly suitable for daily training. In the world of fitness, a real kettlebell mania seems to have erupted. It is good to know, which is the most suitable instrument for your well-being.
The kettlebell is a versatile tool that can be used effectively both to keep fit and to lose weight. It is ideal for doing gymnastics, toning muscles and strengthening them, by winking at do-it-yourself training, at home or at the park.
It’s main target is represented by women with a sporty spirit, who want to stay or become lean and firm. It has a colorful look, with a colored rubber coating to make the tool more appealing than the original cast iron ones.
Remember, that like all gym equipment, it should be used correctly. You cannot improvise the technique of exercise, but it is essential to know it well, especially to get the maximum results.
Table of Contents
What is a kettlebell?
To find out the origins of the kettlebell you have to go far in time. It was already used in ancient Greece in preparation for the Olympics, and it is among the instruments favored by the Shaolin monks to keep fit. It was for a long time the only training tool in Russia, especially the army.
Today, it is used by many trainers who consider it a valuable aid to improve their fitness condition, as an alternative to classic weights and exercises with dumbbells and barbells.
The kettlebell comes in the form of a heavy spherical ball made of cast iron, equipped with a handle. It is available in different sizes starting from 4 kg and progressively increasing in multiples of 4, up to 54 kg and even exceeding them.
It is used to diversify the classic work with weights, to introduce new components that can act on both the motivation and the physiological system. The movements used, under the bio-mechanical profile, are quite simple and allow an ideal workout for those who want to be stronger, more resistant, appear more toned and lose the extra pounds.
Everyone can take advantage of the kettlebell’s potential: training is extremely tiring, but the results are unbelievable. But we must learn to use it in the right way: every gesture must be precise, performed with control and coordination, in maximum concentration.
The first steps Simple, no?
Well, let’s start! Yes, but what is the ideal weight to start with?
Who has never trained with lifting tools, will find any weight suggested for beginners as too heavy. On the contrary, those who train for a long time and already have a developed mass, may consider these same weights too light.
You need to free your mind from such thoughts and look at the kettlebell as something new and different. Coaching tips must be put into practice: being open, listening and learning.
To start a serious kettlebell training program, you must acquire, with calm and patience, the fundamentals of this practice. Training with the kettlebell means submitting your body to a completely new kind of stress.
Every athletic gesture and every effort must be precise, performed with control, strength, technique, coordination of movements and maximum concentration. Therefore, without any fear and without shame, it is important to start from the lightest weight to learn the correct technique.
The ideal would be to be followed at first by a professional trained in fitness, perhaps even specializing in kettlebell techniques, to learn the correct movements, with maximum benefit.
The initial weight for women
The constant use of the kettlebell allows both to obtain an excellent state of general form (keeping body weight under control) and to increase strength without increasing muscle mass.
All women want a dry and toned body. This translates into a low percentage of fat and strong muscles without necessarily being bulky. A substantial increase in lean mass conditions the body in increasing the resting metabolism causing it to burn more calories and thus reducing the percentage of fat.
As already mentioned, to get good results do not start immediately with heavy weights nor with light weights because they do not help to balance your body according to real potential. We must also deny the assumption that kettlebell practice leads to massive growth of muscle mass.
The initial weight that is most suitable for a woman is indicatively 8-12 kg, until the correct technique is acquired that allows it to go further.
There is a discussion among the trainers to determine if kettlebell exercise is more useful, rather than the classic one in the gym with dumbbells and barbells. Those who practice fitness try to optimize the perfect mix of training with overloads (weights), cardio / vascular activity (cardio fitness) and development of various motor skills (coordination), with the result of having to perform different physical and sporting specialties with a waste of energy and very high time.
Kettlebell training offers all this with just one tool. And to those who say that lifting a weight with arms of many kilograms is heavy and dangerous, it must be said that we must learn to use them in the right way. Also because the main effort, if well performed, does the push of the legs and the pelvis.
For the men
Men, of course, can also get great benefits by constantly training with the kettlebell. This tool allows you to develop the body by stimulating the large muscle areas, such as thighs, back and chest. It is also a valid alternative to those mono-articular exercises with weights that are stressful at the musculoskeletal level.
Unlike women who often, finding themselves in front of a weight kettlebell proper for them (8-12 kg) would like to aim for lighter, men – especially if used to using dumbbells, barbells and lifting weights – when they approach the practice of kettlebell judge any tool too light and would like to overdo it starting immediately from the heaviest.
Because the practice of using the kettlebell, compared to the handlebars, is more difficult, the biggest mistake you can make is just starting with inappropriate weights. With a few minor exceptions, it is recommended to start using the kettlebell with 16 kg weights.
The movement that is performed with this tool is different from that of the barbells and engages muscles that have never been urged before. Furthermore, to maintain a correct form, it is necessary to use a weight that is proportional to the skill level, which will initially be low.
The most functional
The kettlebell is nothing but a ” cannon ball with a handle ” : this was the representation of the first ghiries used by the Russians to keep their troops trained.
Now that this fitness machine has been rediscovered, different types of kettlebells are marketed to meet the needs of everyone, from beginners to athletes participating in the Ghiria championship (yes, there is a sports federation, the International Gira Sport Federation, which organizes championships of full momentum and momentum and tear with the kettlebell).
To choose the kettlebell it is necessary to know that the competition one is in steel, while the classic ones are in cast iron.
The competition models are made of steel and have a squared handle, which allows for minimal hand movements inside. Their body remains the same size regardless of weight. They are perfect for one-handed exercises but are not suitable for beginners and two-handed grip.
The classic models, used in training, are instead in cast iron, have a longer and slightly rounded handle, also to allow a two-handed grip in the swing (swing) exercises. The space between the handle and the ball is just enough to pass a clenched fist horizontally, but not so large as to be able to insert a clenched fist in vertical.
Preliminary considerations
Quality kettlebells are designed to always be balanced and are really precise tools. A lot it can be done with them, because they can be considered as tools for a portable gym. But before moving on to a higher weight, it is good to practice in basic movements. Without proper lifting technique, it will not be possible to get the full benefit from the movement.
As for the weights, the classics have always distinguished using as a unit of value a Russian, the Pud which equals 16 kg, so we find classic tools of 24 kg, 32 kg and 48 kg (which corresponds to 1.5, 2 and 3 Pud); in addition to these, with fractions weighing 4 kg, we find tools up to the minimum limit of 8 kg that fill the gap between the classic weights.
Today, then, driven by the growing popularity of this type of training, many companies offer smaller and intermediate sizes of weight: but sticking to the standard weights and fractions of 4 in 4, from 8 to 48 kg is always the best choice.
Countless benefits
Compared to the tools commonly used in the gym, the kettlebell allows you to work more effectively on a dynamic strength, helping to improve the athletic preparation of various sports, changes in direction and sudden acceleration, such as in rugby, basketball or football.
In the oscillation exercises that require a constant effort of the muscles of the abdominal bands and of the back, the stability of the center of gravity is improved, fundamental in all sports and for the prevention of injuries.
Kettlebells can be used in various ways: a kettlebell for each arm, a kettlebell held in both hands, a kettlebell passed from hand to hand. In the latter case, in addition to working for the specific area coordinated by the exercise, the sensitivity of the coordination of movements is improved.
Everyone can benefit from the use of the kettlebell, both the professional athlete looking for a performance improvement, and the sedentary person who discovers for the first time the ductility of this instrument.
There are many benefits that can be obtained, from many points of view. Here are the first ten:
- Global physical conditioning for the whole body.
- I work on long kinematic chains: we train gestures, not just muscles.
- Great results even with little training time (for example: example with 30-minute sessions).
- Increase of organic resistance to accidents.
- Improvement of body composition (less fat mass in favor of lean / muscular tissue thanks to metabolic conditioning).
- Improvement of cardio / vascular and cardio / respiratory systems.
- Increase in mobility and joint flexibility.
- Increase in tone, mass and muscle strength.
- Increase of muscle explosiveness.
- Improvement of correct posture.
The kettlebell focuses on the movements and not on the muscles. It acts on the whole body with functional exercises, of strength in function of the mobility and of cardio and strength combined among them.
There are also other reasons why the kettlebell affirms the other ways of doing fitness: it’s fun, it saves money in equipment, the techniques are easy to learn, it’s very versatile, it can be practiced at home and outside the gyms, increases mental concentration.
The use of kettlebells is well suited to the needs and goals of both women and men. Everyone wants to have a dry, tonic and proportionate body. This translates into a low percentage of fat and strong muscles without being particularly bulky … and these goals are characteristic of training with the use of the kettlebell.
There are numerous books dedicated to the kettlebell that, in addition to guiding the learning of the best technique, I consent to learn all the benefits.
The best kettlebells
Practicing kettlebell training means opening up to a new training dimension that is different from anything that has been practiced until today in the gym. Performing certain movements with this tool makes much more effort than simple barbells and dumbbells.
The kettlebell for its own shape, for the type of grip carpèa wrist (the handle fits on the wrist and the fingers of the hand remain free) and for the weight always decentralized compared to the handle, stimulates balance and coordination in a manner completely different than using a handlebar or barbell.
Working with kettlebells means to stimulate all the stabilizing muscles of the body in depth, thinking of a single system. The essential advantage of kettlebell training is to combine weight training, cardio vascular activity and coordination and motor development in a single activity.
Here’s how to choose the model that best suits your specific training and price needs.