Pool Slide for above ground pools: Which to Buy

Guide to choosing the Pool Slide for above ground pool

The pool is for the whole family, a common good that all the members will enjoy, obviously in a different way. There are those who will use it to relax, perhaps reading a book on the mat, who to swim, who to cool off, who to sunbathe, who for fun and play.

When there are children, kids and let’s face it, even adults with Peter Pan syndrome, the pool is one of the best fun around: diving, splashing, jumping and sliding in the water … hard to find something attract and enjoy more.

One way to enrich the above ground pool and make it even more fun and complete is the pool slide that will allow the pool to be transformed into a sort of aquatic playground.

Why equip the pool slide for above ground pools

The choice to equip the pool slide for above ground pools is dictated by several reasons, let’s see them.

  • The pool slide for above ground pools turns into play, which is why it becomes much more fun and much more livable for children and teenagers.
  • The pool slide is a safe way to enter the water: the child will slide directly instead of going down the stairs to dive.
  • Children often fear water, through play, and the slide is, they can become acquainted with water in a fun way and overcome their fears.

How to choose the pool slide for above ground pools

The pool slide has the same shape as a classic slide and there are models that also form curves to the right or left. This is obviously an article that can only be used with pools of adequate depth.

On the market, there are different models of pool slide for above ground pools, which can be chosen based on different parameters:

  • The height of the pool is the first factor to consider when choosing the slide: it must be appropriate to the depth to ensure maximum stability: it is completely wrong to use slides that are too high compared to the pool, so it is essential to respect the instructions of the seller.
  • The reach of the slide is another element to consider in the choice: there is a maximum weight that the slide can bear and that must not be exceeded in any way.
  • The age for which the slide is indicated. Obviously, you will not be able to opt for a slide for children if it is also used by teenagers or adults.
  • The construction material : generally the slides for swimming pools are made of polyethylene with steel supports and with non-slip steps. The construction materials are resistant to UV rays and, of course, to water. The smoother the slide the greater the sliding speed. More porous slides, on the contrary, will increase friction.
  • The absence of sharp corners is another factor to consider in the choice, especially if you have children, better to opt for rounded corners.
  • Another factor that influences the choice is the design: opting for a slide that fits perfectly with the above ground pool will make its use even more enjoyable. The slides are made in different colors: here the choice is obviously subjective, try nevertheless to opt for colors that match well with the pool, too bright tones could easily get tired.
  • Safety is certainly an essential element: it is advisable to opt for quality products, for slides with handrails, with non-slip steps and with a high stability.
  • The presence of optional extras can be a parameter of choice, such as the system that keeps the slide always wet, or the spray of water that make the slide even more fun.
  • The ease of installation is undoubtedly another element to consider.

Useful tips

It is important to always follow the instructions of the seller, for use and installation, but there are some general tips that should always be followed. Let’s see:

  • Follow the assembly instructions scrupulously.
  • Do not let children use the slide without adult supervision.
  • Do not go down the slide in reverse.
  • Get on the slide one person at a time.
  • Do not jump and do not use the slide as a trampoline, follow its purpose.
  • At the end of the season, it is necessary to clean the slide and store it, unless it is a product that can also be used outside the pool as a traditional slide. In this case, it will undoubtedly be equipped with a bar, which will be installed and here the slide will become a garden game, until next summer.

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